Sunday 2 June 2013

Power of visualization – Part 3

I am almost done with this blog. In conclusion, I would like to say that visualization as described in this blog is just a formal way of implementing what we all know as positive thought. Thought in itself merits a blog which I would be posing soon. It would be now obvious that visualization is the process of expanding on a thought and making it so vivid in our imagination that we actually make it a reality. Even if we do not visualize, thoughts do actualize in course of time, whether good or bad. It is therefore very important that we don’t harbour negative thoughts as these also do materialize at some time or the other. Every poor condition has been brought about this way. We may not remember it, but if we have had a misfortune, it is only because we ourselves have conceived it at some time in our lives.

In this context, it is pertinent to note that visualization is actually meditation. And, just as visualization helps us objectify anything we want in the material world, it  can materialize anything we want in the metaphysical world as well. Those on the spiritual path start meditation because they want to know the actual purpose of our life on earth, having realised that there has to be something more to this life than the mundane. In this case, we are trying to grasp something that we have been told exists, but that which nobody has proven for us. As such most of us do not succeed in this because, unlike the material things, metaphysical ideas are difficult to visualize since the object of visualization is not something concrete. The very few who have succeeded could do so only because they firmly believed that there does exist something that is unknown and just visualized this unknown by giving it the form. This form could be that of a God or any other form we might conjure up. It is not necessary to visualize a form; we could even visualize a vast emptiness, a state where we do not have any thoughts. If we persevere, we will one day become one with the object of our meditation and the moment that happens, we would have found the unknown that we are searching. It is said that once we realize the unknown, there does not exist anything that remains to be known. This then should be the ultimate goal.