Sunday 2 June 2013

Power of visualization – Part 3

I am almost done with this blog. In conclusion, I would like to say that visualization as described in this blog is just a formal way of implementing what we all know as positive thought. Thought in itself merits a blog which I would be posing soon. It would be now obvious that visualization is the process of expanding on a thought and making it so vivid in our imagination that we actually make it a reality. Even if we do not visualize, thoughts do actualize in course of time, whether good or bad. It is therefore very important that we don’t harbour negative thoughts as these also do materialize at some time or the other. Every poor condition has been brought about this way. We may not remember it, but if we have had a misfortune, it is only because we ourselves have conceived it at some time in our lives.

In this context, it is pertinent to note that visualization is actually meditation. And, just as visualization helps us objectify anything we want in the material world, it  can materialize anything we want in the metaphysical world as well. Those on the spiritual path start meditation because they want to know the actual purpose of our life on earth, having realised that there has to be something more to this life than the mundane. In this case, we are trying to grasp something that we have been told exists, but that which nobody has proven for us. As such most of us do not succeed in this because, unlike the material things, metaphysical ideas are difficult to visualize since the object of visualization is not something concrete. The very few who have succeeded could do so only because they firmly believed that there does exist something that is unknown and just visualized this unknown by giving it the form. This form could be that of a God or any other form we might conjure up. It is not necessary to visualize a form; we could even visualize a vast emptiness, a state where we do not have any thoughts. If we persevere, we will one day become one with the object of our meditation and the moment that happens, we would have found the unknown that we are searching. It is said that once we realize the unknown, there does not exist anything that remains to be known. This then should be the ultimate goal.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Power of Visualization – Part 2

If we practice this technique of visualization for some time, we will realize that this is nothing but a form of meditation where we are able to concentrate on a situation that we want to actualize. We will soon realize that this has other benefits other than the reason for our visualization. We tend to concentrate better in our daily activities, are able to retain what we have read a while ago in a way that could be termed photographic. We might actually be able to see the pages of a book that we read a while ago when we try to remember something from that book.
Coming back to the subject of visualization, as I said earlier, our object of desire should be in the realms of possibility and something that is good for us, but not at the cost of somebody else’s happiness. Desires that can cause harm to others seldom materialize and can actually be detrimental to us as the thought energy released could actually boomerang. Be aware that everybody is visualizing, consciously or unconsciously. So any visualization that is intended to bring grief to somebody else is likely to be countered by the the other person's thought energies.
While, virtually anything is possible through visualization, we should be realistic in our expectations. We could visualize that we are on the moon, but to expect that to happen in two weeks will be an  impossibility. We could visualize that we get lot of money. However visualization of such as these  are unlikely to succeed because the thought is rather abstract. Rather, we could visualize the state we would like to be in if we had the money we desire. We could for example think of owning a big bungalow with a garden and swimming pool. We could visualize a party on the poolside lawn and see all our friends in that party. Such visualization would be very concrete and can succeed in due course. When our visualization actually materializes, we might feel a sense of déjà vu, since we had actually seen it happen in our visualizations.  We all have felt this at one time or the other and are often at loss to explain why we are feeling this sense of déjà vu. It is because we would have visualized something similar in the past unconsciously.
Every man and women alive is endowed with the ability to create on the material plane. But in order to do so we must be able to use the tools we have been given. The first is ability to visualize and the second is the faculty of imagination. It is vital that these two work together. To most people the technique outlined above appear too simple. Some don’t believe it will work and so kill all chances of success before even starting. We must believe that what we visualize will come about. This is very important, so I will say this again. We must believe that what we visualize will come about. Some are willing to give a half hearted try . This is almost like baking a cake without all the proper ingredients mixed in the right proportion. The result is usually a sorry mess. It is a fact that what we visualize becomes material reality. All it requires is the ability to believe, imagine and concentrate. With regular practice, visualization can get us practically anything we want.
The oldest story on what visualization can achieve comes from the Bible. It is said that Jacob was asked to produce spotted cattle to be allowed to marry Rachel. In those days there was no strain of spotted cattle, only brown , black or white cattle. So Jacob cut little round pieces of bark from trees and spread them on the bed of a clear steam from which the cattle drank water. Every time the cattle looked into the water, they would unconsciously visualize the spots.. and their offsprings brought Jacob his longed-for spotted cattle !
 Part 1

Part 3

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Power of Visualization - Part 1

The visualization  technique outlined here is  nothing new or nothing that I have invented. I am just putting down public information in a comprehensible manner

Please understand that this technique can help achieve only what is in the realms of possibility. And, visualization sessions need to be supplemented by our own efforts to help make our visualizations a reality. For example, a student appearing for an examination can visualize that he  or she gets excellent grades, but he  or she also need to put in the effort.

I will publish this in 3 to 5 parts. Here is the first part...

One of the quickest ways to get whatever you want is through the power of visualization. Next to belief and definite positive thoughts, visualization is the most powerful gift to man for obtaining whatever he wants on the material plane and even on the metaphysical plane.
There is no secret to visualization, we all visualize, usually many times in a day. Yet there is a right way and a wrong. We must learn to visualize in such a way that the image we create will tend to objectify, manifest itself in the physical world.

Before putting the actual process of visualization in to operation, we must understand the laws involved. First and foremost, we must know very clearly what is it that we wish to manifest. Our desire cannot cover multitude of things, only those involved in your immediate need. When we have brought the first primary objective into manifestation, then and only then can we start visualizing something else. Most of our mind is cluttered with rambling inconsequential thoughts all the time. It is first necessary to clear our minds completely and hold but one dominant thought-the thought of what we want. Having this prepared ourselves; we are now ready to start visualizing.

The technique:

We need to select a place where we will not be disturbed for at least half an hour. The act of visualization may not take this long, but we will need time to prepare ourselves before we actually start visualizing. The first step is to relax. Sit in any comfortable position, but sit upright. Relax the body from head to toe. A few cycles of deep breathing can achieve this. It is all the more beneficial if we can make this exercise of breathing rhythmic where the time of exhalation and inhalation are same. Keeping count of inhaling and exhaling can help maintain the rhythm. My own experience has shown that a count such that we inhale for 10 seconds and exhale for 10 seconds in one cycle is quite useful for relaxing. 

Having thus relaxed, we close our eyes and imagine a screen where we will paint our object of desire as vividly as possible.  This could be like a movie screen. We should not see anything but this screen. Imagine it getting illuminated slowly starting from one side to the other or from top to bottom or whichever order we are comfortable with.  Now, wilfully, carefully and meticulously, we start assembling on the screen, a living, detailed picture of what we want to achieve or the state we want to be in. We must try to make this a living picture. It is like scripting a scene for a movie and seeing it enacted. By holding this picture in our mind for two to three minutes, we are literally creating this situation in fact. A simple desire may require only one successful session, but a more elaborate desire may require many sessions. The success depends upon our ability to hold on to the picture that we have created without digression of thought and the duration of this uninterrupted visualization. The more vivid our imagination, the better. We must try to include sounds, scent, colour etc.   

Now, for the most important part. As soon as the session is over, we must banish all thoughts of what we visualized. This is of vital importance. Because, as long as we are holding on to the picture, we are wasting a lot of energy that is required for making our visualization a reality. Once we are through with the process of visualization, we let the released thought energies to do the job for us. We do not want to modify that thought form with something lesser than ideal in our normal state.

Part 2